elproducto 0.5 👉 a weekly round-up of Tech and Product goodness for humans

Angel Jaime
4 min readFeb 4, 2017


WhatsApp new features, SpaceX reusing rockets, Free roaming in EU, Design is never done, #deleteUber, Design for the Zs & more in this week’s edition of elproducto

Welcome to a new week full of fresh ideas and innovation at elproducto!

📰 Seen on the news

  • Uber has to automate their account deletion process due to high demand after using surge pricing during protest against Trump’s migration ban. Their open cooperation with the new government (from which Kalanik retracted later) didn’t help. A little too late?
  • Uber also took part together with Microsoft, Facebook, Apple and other tech companies in the open letter sent against migration ban sent to Trump administration. If anything good is to come out of all this, it will certainly be the escalation of donations by multiple tech executives to American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), International Rescue Committee (IRC), UN High Commissioner for Refugees / UN Refugee Agency (UNHR) and other organisations that the unfortunate order has triggered.

📚 Good reads

🕶️ Tools & features

  • Ever wondered how much Facebook knows about you? Now you can find out what they automatically tag on you photos with the Facebook Vision Tags Chrome extension.
  • A feature that Apple should make native: see, test and share your wifi without even unlocking your iPhone with WiFi widget.

📼 Visuals & audios

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elproducto is a curated selection of Tech&Product happenings within the last few days from a curious and frequently skeptical Product Manager’s perspective.

You can help by sending your feedback. What would you like to read more about? And less? What do you think about the format? Emojis overload? Missing kittens?



Angel Jaime

Full-time learner, product stuff, “triathlete” & global traveller. CPO @ Yayzy, frmr Product Leader @ Revolut, @ Booking.com and @ Just Eat.